Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Liam's seven months

I can't believe little Liam is now 7 months! And I still haven't had to suffer from PMS...life is good.sssssss

Friday, November 26, 2010

Every Child has Their Thing

Cute Little Booties

I found these:
On this site:

Now, since I am trying to cut back on spending, don't know if they work for me, b ut they are really darling, aren't they?
They are available for Orland Boto and Shoe Company, and they have several types:

For my frugal (trying to be) self, I might find a pattern to knit up. I say might because I seem to spend more time looking up ideas on the web, than actually creating them. By the way, did you know if you say "net" or "internet" you risk being ridiculed by your offspring. Just thought I would share!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday again

Are there words that can even come close to expressing that Friday feeling? I am home for the weekend, listening to the sounds Liam makes as he wiggles on the floor, knowing the whole weekend is waiting for us. Is this what Heaven feels like?